holme mud sampler câu
Split Tube Sampler are worked together.SPT Drive Rods và Sampler Tube split được làm việc cùng nhau. Split Tube Sampler are worked toge...

Papa, our hair is getting ruined because of wrestling in the mud.Bố à, tóc của bọn con bị hỏng vì vật trên bùn đất. Do you know the ex...

water sampler
The water sampler is based on the Van Dorn design.Hệ thống lấy mẫu nước Van Dorn

anode mud
It is obtained as a byproduct of the processing of these ores, from the anode mud of copper refineries and the mud from the lead chambe...

blue mud
Add 10-15 gm blue mud and make the mixture homogeneous.Thêm 10-15 gm bùn xanh và làm cho hỗn hợp đồng nhất. Spanish explorers observed...

clay mud
She was stuck in the clay, mud and water from her own house.Cô đã bị mắc kẹt trong đất sét, bùn và nước từ chính ngôi nhà của mình. Sh...

contaminated mud
Contaminated mud released from the dam has filled the Paraopeba River, which is known for having an abundance of fish.Bùn nhiễm bẩn đượ...

deep in mud
Six inches deep in mud, I am certain!Dính bùn phải đến sáu inch, em chắc đấy! (6 inches = 15,2 cm) After a few steps, something unusua...

drilling mud
Well, I'm told to be ready to start taking on drilling mud about 1800.Tôi được báo sẵn sàng... nhận Bùn Khoan vào lúc 18 giờ. Boys, yo...

dry mud
You will notice that the dry mud is easily removed from the fabric.Bạn sẽ nhận thấy vết bùn khô sẽ dễ dàng bong ra khỏi sợi vải. Famil...

fresh mud
They were covered up by fresh mud and sand and were so preserved carefully.Chúng dần dần được phủ kín bằng bùn non và cát nhuyễn, vì th...

lime mud
For this reason it is believed that most dolomite form when lime mud or limestone are modified by post depositional chemical change.Vì ...

liquid mud
Best of all they feel in liquid mud or silted water.Tốt nhất trong số họ cảm thấy trong bùn lỏng hoặc nước bùn. But we must remember t...

mud bank
Nikita explained that we would be cruising up river for about 20 hours to get to our destination, an eroding mud bank called Duvanii Ya...

mud chamber
When the larva is ready to pupate—usually in late spring—it constructs a mud chamber in the soil and settles inside it.Khi ấu trùng đã ...

mud content
Natural manganese sand filter material should be free of visible soil, shale, and foreign debris, and the mud content should not exceed...

mud crab
Also in Darwin during the month of August, are the Darwin Cup horse race, and the RodeoCũng tại Darwin trong tháng Tám, là cuộc đua ngựa...

mud crater
A New Zealand family has been forced to abandon its home after a bubbling mud crater appeared in the garden.Một gia đình ở New Zealand ...

mud dauber
Mud Dauber wasps design their nests from mud in the form of prisons where they capture spiders for consumption.Các con ong bùn Dauber t...

mud dredging
These include regulations on operation of tourist boats, mud dredging, land filling, fishermen and floating house management.Chúng bao ...

mud filling
The ten hours he'd waited, mud filling his lungs, until nightfall.Mười tiếng đồng hồ ông đã chờ đợi, bùn tràn dần vào phổi, cho tới khi...

mud flat
The city centre's foreshore is located on a mud flat.Bãi biển trung tâm thành phố nằm trên một căn hộ bùn. The island is essentially a...

mud guard
custom molded Mud Guards are made from durable, rubber that's as tough as nails (or rocks for that matter).tùy chỉnh đúc Mud Guards được...

mud hose
Perry, do me a favor, square away this mud hose and get rid of some of these empty sacks.Perry, giúp tôi chuẩn bị vòi bùn và vứt bỏ mấy...

mud lava
The eruption of this volcano was rather small, but it caused a gigantic flow of mud, lava, and debris nonetheless.Sự phun trào của ngọn...